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Ahunavaiti GATHA

Song 7


(15 stanzas -- Days 89th to 103rd)


Transliterated Text:

ýâ shyaothanâ ýâ vacanghâ
ýâ ýasnâ ameretatâtem
ashemcâ taêibyô dånghâ
mazdâ xshathremcâ haurvatâtô
aêshãm tôi ahurâ
êhmâ pourutemâish dastê.

Translated Text:

The deed, the word, and the veneration
by which I give immortality, righteousness,
and the motive for wholeness to the people,
are very much offered by us,
Wise Lord, to You.

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 1)

Summary Substance: The message of Zarathushtra leads to mental veneration, words and deeds that give righteousness, power to move towards wholeness, and immortality.  And these very things are what he and his companions offer to Mazda Ahura.

Pondering Points: Offer the Wise One what wisely we achieve. What a veneration!

90th Day

Transliterated Text: 

atcâ î-tôi mananghâ
mainyushcâ vanghêush vîspâ dâtâ
speñtaxyâcâ neresh shyaothanâ
ýehyâ urvâ ashâ hacaitê
pairigaêthê xshmâvatô
vahmê mazdâ garôbîsh stûtãm.

Translated Text:

Moreover, all these offerings are made to You alone
through thoughts of good mind
and actions of a progressive man,
whose soul is in accord with righteousness.
Wise One, he goes singing everywhere
songs of glory and praise for You.

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 2)

Summary Substance: The offerings of all the achievements of Zarathushtra are made to Mazda alone. No one else. They are made through good thoughts and actions by a person who is progressive, not statically traditional, a person whose soul, self, is in harmony with truth.  He sings his songs -- the Gathas -- praises for Ahura and guidance for mankind.

Pondering Points: Progressive songs praise God to promote humanity.

91st Day

Transliterated Text: 

at tôi myazdem ahurâ
nemanghâ ashâicâ dâmâ
gaêthå vîspå â xshathrôi
ýå vohû thraoshtâ mananghâ
ârôi zî hudånghô
vîspâish mazdâ xshmâvasû savô.

Translated Text:

Therefore, we make a humble offering
to You and to Righteousness.
The living beings in Your dominion
are those who promote good mind.
Indeed, it is in the rise of a beneficent person,
Wise One, that there lies gain for all those belonging to You.

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 3)

Summary Substance: The offering of veneration, words and deeds -- a solemn dedication to serve the Creator and the creation --are made by Zarathushtra and companions.  True living persons in the divine dominion are those who promote good mind to acquire useful knowledge. Feeling a rise, a surge in himself because of the dedication, Zarathushtra foresees the gain awaiting the dedicated to Mazda.

Pondering Points: Dedication to serve returns in gain.

92nd Day

Transliterated Text:

at tôi âtrêm ahurâ
aojônghvañtem ashâ usêmahî
asîshtîm êmavañtem
stôi rapañtê cithrâ-avanghem
at mazdâ daibishyañtê
zastâishtâish dereshtâ-aênanghem.

Translated Text:

Therefore, Lord, we yearn for Your fire,
which is strong through righteousness.
It is very swift and forceful,
and clearly and strongly helps the supporters.
But, Wise One, for an enemy daring to harm,

it has the power of arms to stop him.

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 4)

Summary Substance:  The divine “fire” is the zeal that derives its strength from righteousness -- precision.  It is forceful and swift in clearing and opening the way for the promotion of the mission.  It is also strong enough in stopping those who want to harm the cause.

Pondering Points: Righteous zeal speeds progress, stops mischief.

93rd Day

Transliterated Text: 

kat vê xshathrem kâ îshtîsh
shyaothanâi mazdâ ýathâ vâ haxmî
ashâ vohû mananghâ
thrâyôidyâi drigûm ýûshmâkem
parê-vå vîspâish parê vaoxemâ
daêvâishcâ xrafstrâish mashyâishcâ.

Translated Text:

What is Your dominion, what is Your power,
Wise One, for us to follow in action
through righteousness and good mind
in order to protect the oppressed person of Yours?
For You, we have renounced
all the false gods and the barbarian people.

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 5)

Summary Substance:  Zarathushtra is seeking to know the divine dominion and power so that one acts according to the universal law of precision and good mind and provide a social order in which those oppressed and deprived of their rights are protected and rehabilitated.  Zarathushtra and his companions have renounced all false gods and the cruel people whose superstitious cult is the cause of all exploitation and oppression.

Pondering Points: Order and power, well thought and well done eliminate oppression.

94th Day

Transliterated Text: 

ýezî athâ stâ haithîm
mazdâ ashâ vohû mananghâ
at tat môi daxshtem dâtâ
ahyâ anghêush vîspâ maêthâ
ýathâ vå ýazemnascâ
urvâidyå stavas ayenî paitî.

Translated Text:

If indeed, You are so, Wise One,
through righteousness and good mind,
then grant me guidance through all the goals of this life,
so that I happily return to You
with veneration and praise.

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 6)

Summary Substance:  Through good thinking and righteousness, Zarathushtra has all false gods and their worshipers completely out of his mind.  Mazda is the only Ahura -- the only Guide.  He prays to achieve all the goals of his present life -- his mission to spread his message so that he successfully returns to Mazda with more praises of love and adoration.

Pondering Points:  Mission accomplished ends in happy reunion.

95th Day

Transliterated Text: 

kuthrâ tôi aredrâ mazdâ
ýôi vanghêush vaêdenâ mananghô
sêñghûsh raêxenå aspêñcît sâdrâcît
caxrayô usheurû
naêcîm têm anyêm ýûshmat vaêdâ
ashâ athâ nå thrâzdûm.

Translated Text:

Wise One, where are Your devotees
who comprehend good mind,
and despite retrogression and failure,
attend to inherited doctrines with wisdom?
I have none besides You.
Therefore, protect me and my people through righteousness.

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 7)

Summary Substance: Once dedicated to the cause and comprehending the circumstances with good mind, one is not deterred by initial failures.  One continues to wisely work for the mission one feels is his/her inheritance.  Zarathushtra knows no one else except Mazda.  He prays for support for himself and his companions as they work on right basis.

Pondering Points:  Failures fail to deter the dedicated.

96th Day

Transliterated Text: 

tâish zî nå shyaothanâish byeñtê
ýaêshû as pairî pourubyô ithyejô
hyat as aojyå nâidyånghem
thwahyâ mazdâ ãstâ urvâtahyâ
ýôi nôit ashem mainyañtâ
aêibyô dûirê vohû as manô.

Translated Text:

Indeed, they are afraid of our actions
just as a weakling is afraid of a stalwart,
because these actions constitute a danger to many.
Wise One, those who are antagonistic to Your principle,
do not think of righteousness,
and are at a distance from good mind.

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 8)

Summary Substance: The days when ritualistic priests and exploiting princes were in power appear to be disappearing.  They are now as afraid of the Zarathushtrian mission as a weakling fears a strong person.  The reason is simple.  They do not think of righteousness and and do not use their good mind, and therefore remain antagonists to the Divine Doctrine.

Pondering Points: Wrong, when not strong, fears the rising right just because of not consulting good mind.

97th Day

Transliterated Text:

ýôi speñtãm âramaitîm
thwahyâ mazdâ berexdhãm vîdushô
dush-shyaothanâ avazazat
vanghêush evistî mananghô
aêibyô mash ashâ syazdat
ýavat ahmat aurunâ xrafstrâ.

Translated Text:

Wise One, he forsakes progressive serenity,
esteemed by your wise one,
with his evil deeds solely
because of his lack of good mind.
He avoids them much on account of their righteousness,
just as the disheveled barbarians keep far from us.

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 9)

Summary Substance:  Progressive serenity and stability is valued by the wise one who is devoted to Mazda.  But the person lacking good mind forsakes serenity because of his evil actions. Just as uncivilized people shun our company, such a person would avoid good people because of their righteousness.

Pondering Points: Evil actions isolate one from stability valued by wise community.

98th Day

Transliterated Text: 

ahyâ vanghêush mananghô shyaothanâ
vaocat gerebãm huxratush
speñtãmcâ âramaitîm
dãmîm vîdvå haithãm ashahyâ
tâcâ vîspâ ahurâ
thwahmî mazdâ xshathrôi â vôyathrâ.

Translated Text:

The person of good intellect says
that the deeds of good mind must be maintained.
He knows that progressive serenity
is the true product of righteousness.
All these, Lord Wise,
are means of promotion in Your dominion.

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 10)

Summary Substance:  A wise person wants that one should maintain deeds done with good mind, because he knows that progressive serenity and growing stability is the right result of proper procedure.  These deeds promote the divine dominion [chosen and established by righteous people].

Pondering Points:  Good deeds increase growing stability, promote good order.

99th Day

Transliterated Text: 

at tôi ubê haurvåscâ
xvarethâi â ameretatåscâ
vanghêush xshathrâ mananghô
ashâ mat ârmaitish vaxsht
utayûitî tevîshî
tâish â mazdâ vîdvaêshãm thwôi ahî.

Translated Text: 

Both wholeness and immortality
lead to Your splendor.
The sovereignty of good mind
and serenity with righteousness
promote steadfast strength and courage.
These, Wise One, 
constitute our strength against antagonists.

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 11)

Summary Substance:  Wholeness and immortality lead to divine splendor.  For that goal, a self-reliant good mind, enjoying stability and rightness, gives one the lasting strength and courage to overcome antagonism.

Pondering Points: Good mind, stability, and righteousness, when combined, give courage to win.

100th Day

Transliterated Text: 

kat tôi râzarê kat vashî
kat vâ stûtô kat vâ ýasnahyâ
srûidyâi mazdâ frâvaocâ
yâ vîdâyât ashîsh râshnãm
sîshâ nå ashâ pathô
vanghêush hvaêtêñg mananghô.

Translated Text: 

What is Your guidance and what is Your wish?
Is it for praise, or is it for veneration?
Wise One, declare it while we listen,
and the reward for following Your guidance.
Show us, through righteousness,
the paths to self-reliance of good mind.

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 12)

Summary Substance: Zarathushtra asks and then supplies the subtle answer: The paths leading through righteous to the goal -- self-reliance that enjoys good mind. This is what the guidance is for, what the Wise One wishes.  God does not want praise and veneration.  All Mazda wishes is that we are guided to our goal.  It is us who praise and venerate God out of love.

Pondering Points: The goal guided by Mazda: Self-reliance based on good mind.

101st Day

Transliterated Text: 

têm advânem ahurâ
ýêm môi mraosh vanghêush mananghô
daênå saoshyañtãm
ýâ hû-karetâ ashâcît urvâxshat
hyat civishtâ hudâbyô
mîzhdem mazdâ ýehyâ tû dathrem.

Translated Text:

God, this is the same road of good mind
You have shown me.
It is the religion of the benefactors
by which good deeds lead only 
through righteousness to happiness,
the promised reward for the beneficent,
a reward, Wise One, solely given by You. 

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 13)

Summary Substance: Proceeding towards the goal, Zarathushtra sees that it is very path he has divinely realized.  It is the religion of benefactors, a religion in which good deeds, done precisely according to the universal law, lead to happiness, eternal bliss.  It is the reward promised and granted by Mazda to those who promote goodness.

Pondering Points: Deeds done to benefit all have divine bliss in reward.

102nd Day

Transliterated Text: 

tat zî mazdâ vairîmastvaitê ushtânâi dâtâ
vanghêush shyaothanâ mananghô
ýôi zî gêush verezênê azyå
xshmâkãm hucistîm ahurâ
xratêush ashâ frâdô verezênâ.

Translated Text:

Indeed, Wise One, this reward is given to those,
who, in their choice of physical life,
truly serve the community of the fruitful world
with their deeds of good mind,
and God, promote Your plan of wisdom
through communal righteousness.

(Gathas: Song 7 - stanza 14)

Summary Substance:  The reward of eternal bliss is for those who choose, through their free will, to serve humanity on this earth of ours as best as they can.  This world is very productive and rewarding. Serving it with good mind and close cooperation means promoting the divine plan so wisely prepared.

Pondering Points: Joining others in wise service is to make life more fruitful, more blissful.

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