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Spenta Mainyu GATHA

Song 12

Progressive Mentality

(6 stanzas -- Days 170th to 175th)

170th Day 

Transliterated Text: 

speńtâ mainyű vahishtâcâ mananghâ
hacâ ashât shyaothanâcâ vacanghâcâ
ahmâi dăn haurvâtâ ameretâtâ
mazdĺ xshathrâ ârmaitî ahurô.

Translated Text: 

To him who, through progressive mentality, performs his duties best
in thoughts, words, and deeds in accordance with righteousness,
the Wise God grants wholeness and immortality
through sovereignty and serenity.

(Gathas: Song 12.1) 

Summary Substance: The progressive mentality is the creative and promotive faculty endowed in our mind by Mazda Ahura, the Super-Intellect Being.  It makes us renovate and promote our environment, our world. One, who performs his duties in the best righteous manner, is granted wholeness, perfection, immortality and eternity through his/her sovereignty, independence, serenity and tranquility. 

Pondering Points: Progressive Mentality leads to Perfect Immortality.       

171st Day 

Transliterated Text

ahyâ manyęush spęnishtahyâ vahishtem
hizvâ uxdhâish vanghęush ęeânű mananghô
ârmatôish zastôibyâ shyaothanâ verezyat
ôyâ cistî, hvô patâ ashahyâ mazdĺ.

Translated Text: 

He receives the best from the most progressive mentality
who speaks words of good mind with his tongue,
and performs, with his own hands, deeds of serenity
because he has one perception: 
the Wise One is the creator of righteousness.

(Gathas: Song 12.2) 

Summary Substance: Here is a creative person who utilizes best his progressive mentality and then translates good thoughts into words and deeds - deeds that give serenity, provide tranquility.  That shows such a person's perception.  Righteousness, the Universal Law of Precision is the creation of Mazda.  One should always be right and precise in thoughts, words and deeds. 

Pondering Points: Progressive mentality gives stability, stability helps perceive God and comprehend the divine precision.

172nd Day 

Transliterated Text: 

ahyâ manyęush tvęm ahî tâ speńtô
ýę ahmâi găm rânyô-skeretîm hęm-tashat
at hôi vâstrâi râmâ-dĺ ârmaitîm
hyat hęm vohű mazdâ hęme-frashtâ mananghâ.

Translated Text: 

You are the promoter of this mentality
which created the joy-bringing world for him,
and have granted peace and serenity for his settlement,
because, Wise One, he had consulted good mind.

(Gathas: Song 12.3) 

Summary Substance: Mazda is the promoter of the progressive mentality, the creative faculty.  It fashions the joy-bringing world for human beings.  It gives them serene peace and prosperity in settlements.  All this happens only after humans consult their good mind. 

Pondering Points:  Consult good mind, live in peace, progress and prosperity. 

173rd Day 

Transliterated Text: 

ahmât manyęush râreshyeińtî dregvańtô
mazdâ speńtât nôit ithâ ashâunô
kasęushcît nâ ashâunę kâthę anghat
isvâcît hăs paraosh akô dregvâitę.

Translated Text: 

Wise One, it is the wrongful, not the righteous,
who continue to keep away from this progressive mentality.
A person of  very small means can be kind to a righteous person,
and a person of great strength can be bad to the wrongful.

(Gathas: Song 12.4) 

Summary Substance: It is clear that the righteous consult the progressive mentality.  The wrongful do not.

As far as relations are concerned, a person of small means can be helpful to a righteous person and so can a rich person.  Both can be bad for the wrongful. (note the poetic mastery:  Poor is good to the righteous and rich is bad to the wrongful) 

Pondering Points:  Poor or rich, use the progressive mentality and be righteous.

174th Day 

Transliterated Text: 

tâcâ speńtâ mainyű mazdâ ahurâ
ashâunę côish ýâ-zhî cîcâ vahishtâ
hanare thwahmât zaoshât dregvĺ baxshaitî
ahyâ shyaothanâish akât âshyăs mananghô.

Translated Text: 

Wise God, it is through this progressive mentality
that You have promised the righteous what indeed is best.
But the wrongful shares little from Your love,
because he lives by the actions of his evil mind.

(Gathas: Song 12.5)           

Summary Substance: The loving Wise God has endowed us with the progressive mentality.  If utilized well and righteously, it leads to a life that is the best.  But one who chooses to think evil, simply cannot share the divine love.  He/she lives a wrong living. 

Pondering Points: God loves us, wants us to have the best of life.  Do we human beings? 

175th Day 

Transliterated Text: 

tâ dĺ speńtâ mainyű mazdâ ahurâ
âthrâ vanghâu vîdâitîm rânôibyâ
âramatôish debăzanghâ ashaxyâcâ
hâ zî pourűsh isheńtô vâurâitę.

Translated Text:

Wise God, You grant good to both these parties
through the progressive mentality by means of fire
 -- light, warmth and energy --
because with the growth of serenity and righteousness,
it shall convert many a seeker.

(Gathas: Song 12.6)

Summary Substance:  The Divine Fire symbolizes the progressive mentality.  It means creativity and promotion through "light, warmth and energy.  It is "Fire' that guides the righteous and the wrongful to light, warmth, energy - a blissful life.  The righteous reach sooner.  The wrongful with painful delays.  The progressive mentality promotes stability and righteousness - a perfect atmosphere to convert every wrongful who seeks to convert into a righteous person.

Pondering Points: Seek light, warmth, and energy to convert into a  righteous person.

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